Augusta Independent Educational Foundation, Inc.

Help Us by Donating via PayPal Below
All electronic transactions are conducted through Paypal. All donations are tax-deductible commensurate with federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
Check out the different ways to give at the link below:
Augusta Independent Educational Foundation, Inc. Google Site
Check out to see if your company will match your gift!
2020-21 Gift Matching Businesses
Interested in planning or estate planning? Check out this link below:
Planned Giving and Planning Kit
COVID-19 UPDATE: Cares Act offers incentives for charitable giving
The CARES Act – the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act – includes incentives for enhanced charitable giving. The Association of Fundraising Professionals offers this overview:
- Temporary Universal Charitable Deduction: Taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions can take a one-time deduction of up to $300 for gifts made to charitable organizations. The provision is intended only for the year 2020; however, in the text of the bill, it states taxable years “beginning in 2020 …” and does not include a sunset date, thus it conceivably could extend beyond 2020. The deduction is only for gifts of cash made in the calendar year 2020 and does not cover other types of gifts or contributions made to donor-advised funds or private foundations.
- Suspends the 60 percent adjusted gross income limitation for individuals’ charitable contributions for the year 2020. In a typical year, individuals can only take a charitable deduction of up to 60 percent of their adjusted gross income, no matter how much they give. For 2020, there is no limit, making cash contributions fully deductible.
- Increases the cap on how much corporations may deduct for charitable gifts from 10 percent of taxable income to 25 percent. In addition, the limitation on deductions for food donations by corporations increases from 15 percent to 25 percent in 2020.
- Waives for 2020 the required minimum distributions from retirement plans, such as pensions and 457 plans. Any minimum distributions from retirement plans that would have been required in 2020 can be delayed until 2021. This change reduces the incentive for donors to make gifts from their individual retirement account (IRA)—the IRA Rollover Provision.
Our foundation has raised money for Technology Initiatives (Chromebooks) and continued to provide two scholarships to our very deserving seniors. Additionally, we have supported various bequests made by individuals who have specified what they wanted their donation to be used for. Interested in learning more or wanting to donate? Please PM us, call us at 606-756-2545, or email us at All donations are TAX-DEDUCTIBLE. Our Guidestar Report is appended to this post. We are a certified PLATINUM organization with our transparency of what our funds are used for. This is the HIGHEST ranking an organization can receive! To learn more about this designation, please click the link. #SupportSmallSchools#ThankYouForYourHelp
Our Board of Directors/Officers :
Aaron Linville, President
Clark Hennessey '68, Vice President
Marlene Kelsch Barrett '92, Treasurer
Michael A. Clark, Esq., Secretary
J. Vaughn Kelsch '71
John G. Parker '65
Rebecca Wood-Profitt '80
Lisa McCane, Ex Officio
Our Mission
The mission of the Augusta Independent Educational Foundation, Inc. is to ensure maximum achievement of every student by supporting a dedicated team of teachers, staff, administrators, and parents.
What is the Augusta Independent Educational Foundation?
Augusta Independent Educational Foundation is an independent, non-profit 501 (c) (3) corporation whose major purpose is to raise funds from private sources for the enrichment of the educational program of the Augusta Independent School District.
Why Support the Augusta Independent Educational Foundation?
Augusta Independent School students, teachers and staff deserve 21st Century resources and programs to be competitive in a global world. We would all like our children to have every learning opportunity possible, but the district’s budget cannot include all crucial resources and programs to supplement our children’s education. In an effort to help bridge the gap, the Augusta Independent Educational Foundation is working to enhance the learning environment, resources, and programs at our school.
How to Support Augusta Independent Educational Foundation?
Donations to the Augusta Independent Educational Foundation is TAX DEDUCTIBLE to the donor. The foundation seeks funds and in-kind contributions from individuals, businesses, corporations, civic groups and various agencies. Donations can be given in the form of cash, check, money order, credit card, PayPal, property, bequests, memorial contributions or in-kind contributions.
Checks and money orders payable to the AIEF to the following address:
Attention: Lisa McCane, Ex Officio, 307 Bracken Street, Augusta, KY 41002.
For Questions: Call Lisa McCane, Ex Officio, at 606-756-2545 or email
Want to Become a Member?
The Augusta Independent Educational Foundation welcomes all individuals interested in becoming a member and supports the Augusta Independent School District.
Key Points about the Augusta Independent Educational Foundation
- The Augusta Independent Educational Foundation was established in 2013 to provide parents, grandparents, alumni and friends of Augusta Independent the opportunity to make a donation to benefit students of all ages in the Augusta Independent School District.
- The mission of the Foundation is to support and recognize innovative programs that offer hands-on experiences for students and to provide opportunities for all sectors of the community to actively contribute to the success of the students in the Augusta Independent School District. Our ultimate mission is to assure the maximum achievement of every student by supporting a dedicated team of teachers, parents, staff, and administrators.
- The Augusta Independent Educational Foundation is a nonprofit 501 (c) (3) organization dedicated to strengthening the educational opportunities of students in the Augusta Independent School District. In addition to donations, the foundation seeks grants and conducts annual fundraisers to generate funding to support our students and school.
- The Augusta Independent Educational Foundation, Inc. is also responsible for archiving of school history of the Augusta School District and its predecessors. Donations are regularly accepted.